A Traditionally Pubbed Author Wades into the Waters of Self Publishing

Here’s a peek at my interview with IndieReader.com in their “Crossing Over” section.

Cover Dreamspell Final     Cover Unveiling 1FinalKinSmashResolution     Cover Yielding 1NewFinalAmazSmash1012     Stealing Adda: An Inspirational Romance


(I know…writers beware of opening with a “prologue,” but I think you’ll find back story is relevant to my decision to enter the world of self publishing).

In 1993, I signed a four-book contract with Bantam Books. A year later, my first medieval romance, Warrior Bride, was released and another three “bride” books followed. As I continued to write for the general market, publishing three more medieval romances with HarperCollins and Dorchester and earning awards and placement on national bestseller lists, I infused my growing faith into my writing (much of which fell prey to red pen-wielding editors).

In 2004, I committed to writing books that not only reveal Christianity to non-believers but serve as inspiration to believers. In 2006, my first inspirational romance, Stealing Adda, was released. In 2008, my second inspirational romance, Perfecting Kate, was optioned for a movie and Splitting Harriet won an ACFW “Book of the Year” award and was nominated for a RITA award. In 2009,Faking Grace was nominated for an ACFW “Book of the Year” and RITA award. In 2011, I concluded my “Southern Discomfort” series that launched with Leaving Carolina, continued with Nowhere Carolina, and ended with Restless in Carolina.

That makes seven general market medieval romances and seven inspirational market contemporary romances for a total of fourteen traditionally published books. Hence, the purpose of this “prologue” is to show that I come at self publishing from the angle of an author with a reader base as compared to an unpublished author lacking a reader base outside of supportive friends and family. That’s not to say unpublished authors shouldn’t explore and venture into the world of self-publishing—absolutely not!—but neither should they blindly jump into it. More on that later.


Though I feel blessed to have had my books published by traditional publishers for seventeen years, another path to publication is now viable due to the rise in popularity of e-readers and those fearless and driven authors—both previously unpublished and traditionally published—who struck out on their own years ago. This past March, I joined the ranks of traditionally published authors who have embraced the electronic format by releasing out-of-print books in hopes of finding new readers who missed their titles “way back when” a book’s shelf life was severely limited by physical space (hello!), revamping old titles to give them new life (hmm…), and offering new titles (hello again!).

To read the entire interview, visit: IndieReader.com

2 thoughts on “A Traditionally Pubbed Author Wades into the Waters of Self Publishing

  1. Teresa says:

    Hey, Tamara, Congratulations! I’ve nominated you for the Blog of the Year 2012 Award. If you desire to participate you can access your badge icon and rules here: http://cantstayoutofthekitchen.com/2012/12/06/blog-of-the-year-2012-award/

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